Friday, December 4, 2009

Me and Orson Wells

I wonder if it will ever become "me and Zac Efron".No.

The Merrry Gentleman

I miss Micheal Keaton,oddly enough i do,did,ish.... its straining at the moment,he directs at age 58 and my choice for Batman STILL!,even though at 10 the first one was excruciating to watch.This film really is nothing,there is no real relevance to it, its a 5 minute segment of a real film stretched to ridiculous levels,Kelly McDonald is wonderful to watch but in the same way a woman selling washing up liquid is,women have breasts don't annoy me with silly talk and we will get along fine,and this is pretty much what this film is,very quiet and at times promising, each scene is almost the beginning of a simple necessary clarity, the film promises but repeats its nothingness perpetually,till a beguiling ending that is over simple yet completely demanding,you must revisit characters that never change looking for a moment where everything becomes clearly defined and it never does.

Oh yes the storey is of a hit man blah girl something friends(i'm making it look interesting with added blah),but on screen it can be,Kelly's constant put downs to to unattractive men compelling, as they deem her not out of their league which is unfortunate for her,but a definite first for cinema,a heroine who is not over beautiful but in the league of average men,these little moments make it fun,then the dullness finds it way to ruin ideas which were just really an audience projected ideas hoping to become fruitful.