Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Legend of the Guardians: something about a hhhhhh holooool...probably who knows its actually quite irrelevant anyway.

Legend of the Guardians: something about a hhhhhh holooool...probably who knows its actually quite irrelevant anyway.

A very solid routine name, it means nothing could be specifically about anything and could be applied to any single film ever made, this generic title, with one line of exposition dialogue could be injected in any film and give this title precedence. So for a film obsessive, a generic title a below par add campaign and terrible trailers don’t add up to much.The only failings in this film are sadly so important for a animated film it becomes about attrition for whats left to possible endure to see out the story. Oddly, plastic voices aside all of which could be used to voice a very plausible mexian soap opera set in a soap opera about soap,it does work .The films highlights delight at times,a very solid paced flowing rthym....with added VOICED CONSTANT EXPOSITION, add to the fact that the CONSTANT EXPOSITION is not that grating,it actually though other techniques, beautiful animation, simple and never forced animation and “SNYDERISMED” slo,oo,ooo...........ow motion do really add to the pacing so intelligently that the constant storey never seems forced. Which is only really revealed in the seamlessly interwoven and beautiful realised last 20 minutes, the storey is one third ”Lord of the Rings” one half star wars and the rest are wet Shakespearean books taken out of a emo girls backpack after a Lady Gaga concert by bullies used to beat her with. If you have seen two romantic comedies you have seen 200,this storey is the same but without Sandra Bullock so by definition complete watchable.

Now for my favourite game, what the trailer didn’t tell its audience. Its quiet violent ,it is fantasy not cutsey...despite the awwwwwwwwww factor which it does have, the 3-D actually works, and works beautifully in parts, and there is owl nudity, well they don’t wear pants so i think that argument has reason to be here.

Social Network

Social Network

Aaron Sorkin likes to talk. I would like to see a film version of his office, as in my version, as in his of the creation of facebook is oddly subjective,.Like Facebook, this film exists, but by all accounts like my version of how Aaron Sorkin wrote facebook is as acutely observed as my version of how he wrote it.

Scene 1: Aaron writes down what means most to him in a film.

Line reads: I love me.

Aaron rings receptionist: The resulting conversation is petty and ends with 2 prostitutes walking in naked and dictating Aaron’s verbatim script for something. He talks pompously for two hours,has his assistants add names to characters, places his knob in a rolodex. David Fincher has been spotted by the mighty one and so beings the storey of an idea that neither really cares about. Facebook.

It is an amalgamation of the two personalities of creative dogma clashing.And by shear luck and excellent casting,JT aside,it works. But this would have worked better without the Facebook narrative consistently foiling up the possibilities of these actors and dialogue combining. The story of the creation of a website......i have already forgotten what i’m saying. Wonder if i can eat all those biscuits.......YES anyway. This film has two major flaws the true storey itself and Aaron Sorkin’s complete inability to create plot points tension or movement from his conversational dialogue. If this film had a third act, that would have made the meshing of beginning and middle less coarse, it would be an excellent film. But since that ending is still being lived out, it all becomes a little pointless, watching privileged people become more alot more so.