The Expendables, is a necessary cancer on this year's not just summer films,but for film as a whole its exceptionably sub par,the journalism community when diagnosing this summers abject failure with the only exception being Toy Storey not even inception is without fault,will only need to relive the expendables to revisit the first genuinley fun film for a very long time.Its fails in every way a B-Movie action film needs to,to be regarded as a great action film,a genre by the way that does no need plot relevance or drama to carry themes,and in fact should not have any such words anywhere near it.
Plot................something about Micky Rourkes something, its not important.The cast girth should have been the only marketing necessary, and it actually was.To review this is pointless as where a films entire existence can be put on its title, a review cannot justify a cleaning notion a film like this has on other films.This is intentionally fun,it is made to laugh with and at and any other pseudo criticism at it is null and void as it is a film so self aware,and directly relating to an audience it never patronises but only embraces fondly.
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