Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Igor and Chanel

Igor & Coco is as modest in storey telling as it is in expression, to regale a cinema experience as being stark is quite a novelty in cinema today but more so as its diluted with historic acumen noble underestimates and languid sexuality. It s a film based on one line of a possibility, Coco Channel and Igor Stravisnsky may have had an affair.This film is not that concerned with any maybes it is deafening in its power.In this universe they most certainly did,now we must improve on to what the film is actually about,Its is modest sliver through the lives of two people and a look a cheeky examination if the two most interesting parts in their lives using sex as a conduit to channel the storey forward. Coco in mourning at her lovers death,is fused at first sight by the sheer physicality of Igor,his presence towering over his greatest work "the right of spring" being performed amidst a right of tempered frech "critics" is the beginning and sets an elegant tone to the length and breathe of the film.

It beginnings a solemnly with Igor alone in his room with the patrons amazing within the reflective intensity of the theatre, it has been designed as if to intimidate. The performance begins as template for the rest of the film, slow paced hinging on slight moments of insolence and always aware of itself, the director is charging the audience both in the theatre and subsequently in the cinema with a guile and spark that never erupts as expected but wimply lengthens until it can only fade,this film like the opening rewards the viewer with the unexpected, it attacks sense at once more than any single one,in a very conscious move reflecting the feel of Stravinsky’s music where by the decor is pure Channel.You watch this film in two parts,the dichotomy of characters and the split vision/hearing divide that accompanies all shards of this experience.

It does feel sat times provoking you to not care about these characters, which if a conscious decision works but if unconsciously it fails, everything hangs by your interpretation of actual opinion, this is not a character study id you don’t want it to be no more is it a biography, more a music video of two lives with images to prop up the other. There are faults and a second viewing may be difficult, it will in no doubt remain as a first curios visit to Stravinsky’s mind and a tactful but harmful reminder that true art akin to Channel is well beyond the ordinary.

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