Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My night with Maud

My night with Maud becomes something special after it infuriates, teases and whips you round the dullness of the worst saturated ideas that new waves has ever bored us with,opening with "mass" as the main protracted etchings of Catholicism are peppered throughout the film,used sincerely and never more than a character McGuffin to throw characters off each others sent and to make animosity but its French so Religion is never really an important argument when there are cigarettes and wine on display. After the mass has ended and as its French it ponders on till the breaking point of concentration, but an early attribute to the power of a great filmmaker to make an audience bored at the beginning, thrill them at the middle and let them drift at the end to a dull but ultimately satisfying end.

The night in question is between three people the main but....boringly sincere Jean Louis, Maud herself the stunning vase holding the films withered flowers within its chest and the wonderful and underused Vidal, the friend and catalyst of this almost threesome. They discuss Blasie Pascal the French mathematician and philosopher, and deduce by his theories a template for the most interesting parts of conversation dampening the raising sexual tension that inevitably fools Maud wherever she turns. Without this often intermediate conversations it would be hard to see how Woody Allen would have fashioned a career, so much its its influence and unforgettable simplicity which is infused in this oddly beautiful film. It is from this view of the 20 century a mongrel simpleton child of Allen and Bergman, but from the opposing view a forward progression through so much turgid new wave ideas, it decimates the ideas that cinema at the time needed to be new, instead of the forcefulness of relaxed charm witty debate and ease that Maud hinges delicately between ease and discomfort but it sways between both gracefully and with a maudlin charm that forces nothing and incredulously has the gall to give so much more than it talks about, an idea that refreshed the forced sparkle of new wave in to our hearts and was forgotten amidst the sparkle of something to talk about over the simplicity of unregulated filmmaking which is what new wave is best at.

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